Lake Winterwood BOD Monthly Meeting Minutes

May 13, 2024

Location: Elizabeth Thomas's House

General Meeting (6:30 pm)


1) Meeting called to order 6:33 pm by Elizabeth T.


2) Attendance and verification of quorum: Michael L., Elizabeth T., Rick S., Chris M. (Dave C. excused)

Guest(s): Eydie Leighty (

3) Approval of Minutes from April BoD Meeting: Motion to approve.  Approved.

4) Voting Report; ratify passed decisions/votes taken since last meeting:  Motion to ratify.  Ratified.


Date Voted

Issue Title



ACC Deck Replacement



2023 Tax Year 1120H for Board Review and Authorized Signature



ACC Fence Replacement



ACC Request Landscaping Project and Deck



Vote on April Board of Director Meetings



Repair of Back Flow Irrigation System



Mole Issue - Wildlife Wizards $1000



Replace Wood Deck with Concrete add Gazebo



2024 Vendor Contract with PLM



HOA Tree Issue LAW $652.80 Pac Arb for 3 Trees Care Fr Reserves



ACC Retaining Wall



Approve of New Lake Cleaning Vendor


5) Financial Review April statement:

  • Income/Dues delinquencies: 3 homeowners 1 month delinquent. Late fee and interest applied.
  • Expenses: April expenses totaled $5,604.91.  Expenses include $286.61 reimbursement to Carol M. for Easter Egg Hunt event.  Michael Lee reviewed accounting of PLM billing and payment.  There are still discrepancies in the billing (overpayment of $212.16 for January and February, 2024.  Michael Leighty will reach out and get an accounting statement from PLM from January, 2023 to date.  April expenses do include correct monthly payment of $4,127.31 for PLM landscape.   
  • Reserve Balance: $76,039.45

6) Old Business

  • Issue 21461: ACC request for tree removal: approved.
  • Issue 21477: ACC request for tree removal: pending approval.
  • Issue 21490: ACC request for tree removal: pending approval.
  • Issue 21487: Unauthorized tree removal: requires follow up.
  • Issue 21482: Repairs & Upkeep: in process.  In work, Rick to follow up with PLM.
  • Issue 21046: Vehicle Parking and storage: request for extension pending.  Board did discuss the homeowner’s need for having the vehicles  in the driveway for a period of time.  Best option is to approve an extension.  Request for timeframe was sent to homeowner.
  • Lake Treatment: New vendor, Northwest Lake Cleaning selected. Pending transfer permit from WA Dept. of Ecology.  Mike White will be treating our lakes as soon as permit is in place.
  • Neighborhood traffic safety: New traffic speed meter placed in front entrance of Lake Winterwood.  Thank you Lindsay C. for coordinating with Chief Easterbrook and Covington Police Department to make this happen.  Lindsay will be researching the speed meter reports.
  • Little Library: Purchase and installation.  Little Library will be categorized under Capital Installation (listed as an asset and added to our next reserve study).  Dave will purchase and Chris M. will coordinate installation.


LW Committee updates:

  • Events:
    • Garage Sale: Friday optional, Saturday, June 8, to coordinate with Winterwood Estates – Still need Lead Volunteer. 
    • Bike Parade: Saturday, June 29th
    • Clean Up Day: Saturday, July 13th
    • National Night Out: Tuesday, August 6th
    • Halloween Spooktacular: Saturday, October 26th
    • Annual Meeting: Wednesday, September 11th
  • Communications: will generate flyer for upcoming Garage Sale.
  • Maintenance: Rick gave an update on maintenance:
    • Lake Fountains: Big lake fountain is turned on and will run four times a day.  Small lake fountain still pulses.  Rick to check on lead time for replacement if necessary.  There is quite a bit of algae build up in the small lake.  We are waiting for permit transfer before new vendor can treat.  Elizabeth to ask Mike White, Owner, Northwest Lake Cleaning if it would be prudent to run the small fountain more frequently to allow the algae to settle.
    • Wildlife Wizards is treating common area for moles and lake for muskrats (2 moles, 1 muskrat captured so far).  Invoice from Wildlife Wizards needs to be recalculated with Covington 8.9% tax rate.  Rick to contact to have new invoice generated.
    • Pump House: needs paint, door replacement and bee/wasp traps hung.  Rick to put in request for paint, traps and new hose.
  • Safety: Trespass violation/Safety concerns: Trespassing:  Several vehicles have been sited parked at the T near the big lake entrance.  License plates have been documented and trespass postcards placed on windshields. Lindsay C. and the Safety Committee are committed to keeping our neighborhood safe and the postcards are a non-confrontational way to let non-residents know that this is private property. 

Next safety meeting: Tuesday, May 14th, 7 pm.

7) New Business

  • Landscape Maintenance Vendor search:  Board discussed current challenges with the landscape maintenance of our common areas.  It is time to do a due diligence search.  Rick to coordinate with Dave C.


8) Next BOD Meeting:  Monday, June 10th, 6:30 pm, Rick S’s, lot #88


9) Adjourn Meeting: Meeting adjourned at 8:09 pm