Sunnybrook Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

October 1, 2023


The meeting was called to order at 4:05 by Adam.

Present:  Stephanie, Adam, Randy, Johnathan, Marlene, and Susie

Meeting minutes of July 24th and Sept 15th were reviewed and ratified by the board.


New Member

Susie will be part of the board as a non-voting member as our Community Engagement person.

                Susie will come back with her ideas on what this entails for further discussion.  Susie suggested making a postcard of our monument that is shared with incoming and outgoing neighbors to welcome them or say good-bye.

                Create a line item in the budget was discussed for the expense.  Susie would order the post cards and submit a receipt for reimbursement.  Not to exceed $100.

Board approved 5-0


                A checklist has been created for everything that the contractors are to complete during the year.  It will be part of the contract as well as any Request for Proposals (RFP).

                Randy and Adam will pursue RFP for landscaping contractors for 2024.

Future Projects

                Consider doing pavers in front of the retention pond outside of the fence in 2026.

                Check the condition of the 316th Fence throughout the year.  Repairs of the fence will be split with the owner of the houses on that side.

                Adam will engage Eydie to update the Rule and Regulations regarding the sharing of the expense of the fence repair/replacement with the homeowners on the fence.



                Reviewed the newsletter Johnathan put together.  Would like it sent to the neighborhood with the annual letter that Eydie sends out about the upcoming Nov 5th meeting at 3:00 PM.


                Lisa has been doing an amazing job with Compliance and hasn’t complained about it being to much.  Marlene is helping where she can.


Meeting adjourned at 5:42